Code: Select all
'ADD THIS TO YOUR CODE - Startup Variables:
global x,y
x = -6
y = 10
WindowWidth = 800
WindowHeight = 600
open "colors" for graphics as #g
#g, "backcolor black;fill black;discard"
'Example of Write()
'Example of Read$()
'Example of WriteLine$()
a=WriteLine("Ok, ";name$;" now you have to do something.","red")
a=WriteLine("Please press type your name then '+' to exit","red")
'Example of ReadLine$()
a=WriteLine("I could have guessed it was you, ","red") : a=Write(a$,"green") : a=Write(", anytime!","red") 'The power of nested Write() statements = colors in-line!
a=WriteLine("Please type '+' to exit","red")
'Example of Clear()
close #g
function Write(string$, color$)
CharWidth = Char.Width()
CharHeight = Char.Height()
for i = 1 to len(string$)
x = x + CharWidth
#g, "font courier_new 0 16;";" ";"color ";color$;";goto ";x;" ";y;";down;\";mid$(string$,i,1) : #g, "up;flush"
next i
end function
function WriteLine(string$, color$)
CharWidth = Char.Width()
CharHeight = Char.Height()
x = -6
y = y + (CharHeight*2)
for i = 1 to len(string$)
x = x + CharWidth
#g, "font courier_new 0 16;";" ";"color ";color$;";goto ";x;" ";y;";down;\";mid$(string$,i,1) : #g, "up;flush"
next i
end function
function Read$(color$)
CharWidth = Char.Width()
CharHeight = Char.Height()
nx = x
ny = y
#g, "when characterInput [key];setfocus"
if Inkey$ = "+" then
ReadLine$ = np$
exit function
end if
np$ = np$ + Inkey$
nx = x
ny = y
for i = 1 to len(np$)
nx = nx + CharWidth
#g, "font courier_new 0 16;";" ";"color ";color$;";goto ";nx;" ";ny;";down;\";mid$(np$,i,1) : #g, "up;flush"
next i
exit function
end function
function ReadLine$(color$)
CharWidth = Char.Width()
CharHeight = Char.Height()
x = -6
y = y + (CharHeight*2)
nx = x
ny = y
#g, "when characterInput [key];setfocus"
if Inkey$ = "+" then
ReadLine$ = np$
exit function
end if
np$ = np$ + Inkey$
nx = x
ny = y
for i = 1 to len(np$)
nx = nx + CharWidth
#g, "font courier_new 0 16;";" ";"color ";color$;";goto ";nx;" ";ny;";down;\";mid$(np$,i,1) : #g, "up;flush"
next i
#g, "when characterInput [key];setfocus"
end function
function Clear()
x = -6
y = 10
#g, "fill black;flush"
end function
function Char.Width()
Char.Width = 8
end function
function Char.Height()
Char.Height = 7
end function