Should be fairly straightforward to implement. If you need help just shoot JosephE a pm on the just basic forums.
If you have improvements just post below.
Thanks to tsh73, cassiope01 (especially), and DaveG for their help!
EDIT: Updated code a tad to clean up and avoid possible bugs. Replaced the display function with the one Stefan posted below. Thanks Stefan!
Thanks to cassiope01 again, it seems to now find the shortest path! (with a major delay in speed, however)
Oh, and thanks stefan for the tip! It now uses spaces instead of Ascii 0.
We were close, but it wasn't quite finding the shortest path. So cassiope and I have updated it to this! Thanks cassiope! And it also is faster on my computer by about half a second. ... 1274378779
Code: Select all
' Required for pathfinding library:
Dim Con(0,0)
Dim Path(0,0)
Dim Path.Open.X(0) ' Open List
Dim Path.Open.Y(0)
Dim Path.Open.ParentX(0)
Dim Path.Open.ParentY(0)
Dim Path.Open.Cost(0)
Dim Path.Open.PCost(0)
Dim Path.Closed.X(0) ' Closed list
Dim Path.Closed.Y(0)
Dim Path.Closed.ParentX(0)
Dim Path.Closed.ParentY(0)
Global Path.Width, Path.Height
Global Path.StartX, Path.StartY
Global Path.EndX, Path.EndY
Global Path.Closed, Path.Open ' The number of items in
' the open and closed list
' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- '
worldWidth = 26
worldHeight = 16
' Let's make our own world.
' Each row 26 characters long and there are 16 rows:
world$ = _
" ";_ ' 1
" ";_ ' 2
" ";_ ' 3
" +++++++ ";_ ' 4
" + + ";_ ' 5
" + + ";_ ' 6
" + + a+ + + ";_ ' 7
" ++++++++++ + + ";_ ' 8
" + + + ";_ ' 9
" +++++++++ +++++ ";_ ' 10
" + ";_ ' 11
" +++++ ";_ ' 12
" + ++++++ ";_ ' 13
" ++ ";_ ' 14
" + + b ";_ ' 15
" + +++ " ' 16
Call Path.Load world$, worldWidth, worldHeight
start = Time$("ms")
test = Path.Find(s$)
print "time: "; (time$("ms") - start)
Print "result: ";test
Call Path.Print
Print "answer: ";s$
Function Path.Find(BYREF answer$)
' Returns 0 (false) if a path was not found.
' Otherwise the answer is the number of coordinates in answer$
' To get to the location.
' The coordinates placed in answer$ are like this:
' XX_YY XX_YY ... and so on.
' So you could get them by:
' cord1$ = Word$(answer$,1)
' cord1x = Val(Word$(cord1$,1,"_"))
' cord1y = Val(Word$(cord1$,2,"_"))
Dim Dir.X(4)
Dim Dir.Y(4)
Dir.X(1) = 0 : Dir.Y(1) = -1 ' Up
Dir.X(2) = 1 : Dir.Y(2) = 0 ' Right
Dir.X(3) = -1 : Dir.Y(3) = 0 ' Left
Dir.X(4) = 0 : Dir.Y(4) = 1 ' Down
' Start at the start location.
x = Path.StartX : y = Path.StartY
ppp = 0
' Put the starting location on the closed list:
Call Path.ClosedPush Path.StartX, Path.StartY,0,0
For i = 1 To 4
' Check all the directions:
nextX = x + Dir.X(i)
nextY = y + Dir.Y(i)
If Path(nextX,nextY) = 32 Then ' Square is
' Calculate the cost of the neighboring square:
cost = ppp + Abs(Path.EndX - nextX) + Abs(Path.EndY - nextY)
If nextX = Path.EndX And nextY = Path.EndY Then
' Arrived at destination
success = 1
GoTo [GetOut]
' Haven't arrived at our destination:
If Not(Path.IsClosed(nextX, nextY)) Then
' Current square isn't on the closed list
isOpen = Path.IsOpen(nextX,nextY) ' If the box is in the open list, this is the array index to the box's values.
If Not(isOpen) Then
' Path isn't on the open list, so we push it in there
Call Path.OpenPush nextX,nextY,x,y,cost,ppp
' (x,y) is the parent location for the new open list item: (nextX,nextY)
' Path is on the open list, so we compare costs.
If cost < Path.Open.Cost(isOpen) Then
' Current cost is below the cost of that box in the open list.
' So we update the parent and the cost?
Path.Open.ParentX(isOpen) = x
Path.Open.ParentY(isOpen) = y
Path.Open.PCost(isOpen) = ppp
Path.Open.Cost(isOpen) = cost
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
Next i
Select Case Path.Open ' The number of cells in the open list...
Case 0
' Nothing left...
GoTo [GetOut]
Case 1
' The only one left? Then of course we'll take it!
selectedBox = 1
Case Else
' Locate the box that has the lowest value in the open list.
' Last box put on the list to reference against:
lastCost = Path.Open.Cost(Path.Open)
selectedBox = Path.Open
' ----------------------------------------------- '
For n = Path.Open To 1 Step -1 ' Look for it going backwards...
referenceCost = Path.Open.Cost(n)
If referenceCost < lastCost Then
lastCost = referenceCost
selectedBox = n ' Location of the box with the smallest cost.
End If
Next n
End Select
' Now let's take the box with the smallest cost and put it in the closed list.
' Becomes the new cell...and the new parent of other cells.
oldX = x : oldY = y
x = Path.Open.X(selectedBox)
y = Path.Open.Y(selectedBox)
ppp = Path.Open.PCost(selectedBox) + 1
Call Path.ClosedPush x,y,Path.Open.ParentX(selectedBox),Path.Open.ParentY(selectedBox) ' Add it to the closed list
Call Path.OpenRemove selectedBox ' Remove it from the open list
Loop Until success
If success Then
' Figure out the path...
i = Path.IsClosed(x,y)
While i
x = Path.Closed.ParentX(i) : y = Path.Closed.ParentY(i) : c = Path.Open.PCost(i)
If x <> 0 And y <> 0 Then
answer$ = Trim$(x;"_";y;" ";answer$)
Con(x,y) = Asc("P") ' Show what's going on for debugging purposes. P = Path
Path.Find = Path.Find + 1
End If
i = Path.IsClosed(x,y)
End If
End Function
Sub Path.ClosedPush x,y,parentX,parentY
' Push the square (x,y) onto the closed list.
Path.Closed = Path.Closed + 1
Path.Closed.X(Path.Closed) = x
Path.Closed.Y(Path.Closed) = y
Path.Closed.ParentX(Path.Closed) = parentX
Path.Closed.ParentY(Path.Closed) = parentY
End Sub
Sub Path.OpenPush x,y,parentX,parentY,cost,ppp
' Pushes the square (x,y) with the (parentX,parentY) and (cost)
' onto the open list.
Path.Open = Path.Open + 1
Path.Open.X(Path.Open) = x
Path.Open.Y(Path.Open) = y
Path.Open.Cost(Path.Open) = cost
Path.Open.ParentX(Path.Open) = parentX
Path.Open.ParentY(Path.Open) = parentY
Path.Open.PCost(Path.Open) = ppp
End Sub
Sub Path.OpenRemove index
' Removes the item with the index 'index' from the open list.
If index = 0 Then Exit Sub
For i = index+1 To Path.Open
b = i - 1
Path.Open.X(b) = Path.Open.X(i)
Path.Open.Y(b) = Path.Open.Y(i)
Path.Open.ParentX(b) = Path.Open.ParentX(i)
Path.Open.ParentY(b) = Path.Open.ParentY(i)
Path.Open.Cost(b) = Path.Open.Cost(i)
Path.Open.PCost(b) = Path.Open.PCost(i)
Next i
o = Path.Open
Path.Open.X(o) = 0 : Path.Open.Y(o) = 0 : Path.Open.ParentX(o) = 0
Path.Open.ParentY(o) = 0 : Path.Open.Cost(o) = 0 : Path.Open.PCost(o) = 0
Path.Open = Path.Open - 1
End Sub
Function Path.IsClosed(x,y)
' Returns a number greater than 0 if the box (x,y) is on the closed list.
' This number is the array index of the item on the closed list.
For i = 1 To Path.Closed
If Path.Closed.X(i) = x And Path.Closed.Y(i) = y Then
Path.IsClosed = i
Exit Function
End If
Next i
End Function
Function Path.IsOpen(x,y)
' Returns a number greater than 0 if the box (x,y) is on the open list.
' This number is the array index of the item on the open list.
For i = 1 To Path.Open
If Path.Open.X(i) = x And Path.Open.Y(i) = y Then
Path.IsOpen = i
Exit Function
End If
Next i
End Function
Sub Path.Load string$, width, height
' Takes a string of characters representing a world
' map and loads them into the array for pathfinding.
' It considers the edges as walls.
' " " (space) is considered an empty space
' "+" is considered a wall
' "a" is considered the starting point.
' "b" is considered the ending point.
ReDim Con(width,height)
ReDim Path(width,height)
ReDim Path.Open.X(width*height)
ReDim Path.Open.Y(width*height)
ReDim Path.Open.ParentX(width*height)
ReDim Path.Open.ParentY(width*height)
ReDim Path.Open.Cost(width*height)
ReDim Path.Open.PCost(width*height)
ReDim Path.Closed.X(width*height)
ReDim Path.Closed.Y(width*height)
ReDim Path.Closed.ParentX(width*height)
ReDim Path.Closed.ParentY(width*height)
Path.StartX = 0 : Path.StartY = 0
Path.EndX = 0 : Path.EndY = 0
y = 1
For i = 1 To width * height
x = x + 1
char = Asc(Mid$(string$,i,1))
If x = 1 Or x = width Then char = 43 ' Borders ... 43 = wall
If y = 1 Or y = height Then char = 43
If char = 97 Then
' Start location (97 = asc("a"))
' Set the global variables:
Path.StartX = x
Path.StartY = y
End If
If char = 98 Then
' End location (98 = asc("b"))
' Set the global variables:
Path.EndX = x
Path.EndY = y
char = 32 ' Make it a blank space...
End If
Path(x,y) = char
Con(x,y) = char
If x = width Then
' Start the row over:
x = 0
y = y + 1
End If
Next i
' Set the global path width and height:
Path.Width = width : Path.Height = height
End Sub
Sub Path.Print
' Display the loaded world map
Con(Path.StartX,Path.StartY) = asc("S")
Con(Path.EndX,Path.EndY) = asc("E")
For y = 1 To Path.Height
line$ = ""
For x = 1 To Path.Width
line$ = line$;Chr$(Con(x,y))
Next x
print line$
Next y
End Sub