
This forum is for posting code that needs help.

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Posts: 2
Joined: Wed May 06, 2015 9:04 pm


Post by kenwas2000 »

There is not problem when I run LB.

The TKN file I made gets the following error:
Runtime error: Bitmap named copyimage11 not found!

This happens 100% of the time when the directory has over 10 pictures. It never happens when there are 10 or fewer pics.

I can't run debug on a TKN file so I can't trace the problem but it only happens in the TKN file.

The full program is zipped and attached.

Here is the error file:

Error log timestamp Thursday 05/07/15 07:36:47 AM

Runtime error: Bitmap named copyimage11 not found!

Error(Exception)>>activateHandler: <anUndefinedObject>
Error class(Exception class)>>signal: <'Bitmap named copyima...'>
BasicRunProgram(Object)>>error: <'Bitmap named copyima...'>
BasicRunProgram(BasicProgram)>>terminateRun: <anError>
[] in BasicProgram>>errorHandlerBlock
ExceptionHandler>>evaluateResponseBlock: <aBlockClosure> for: <anError>
[] in ExceptionHandler>>handle:
ProtectedFrameMarker(BlockClosure)>>setUnwind: <aBlockClosure>
BlockClosure>>invisibleEnsure: <aBlockClosure>
ExceptionHandler>>handle: <anError>
ExceptionHandler>>findHandler: <anError>
Error(Exception)>>activateHandler: <anExceptionHandler>
Error class(Exception class)>>signal: <'Bitmap named copyima...'>
BasicRunProgram(Object)>>error: <'Bitmap named copyima...'>
BasicRunProgram(BasicProgram)>>runError: <'Bitmap named copyima...'>
[] in BasicProgram>>bmpNamed:
LinearHashTable>>lookUpValue: <'copyimage11'> for: <aDictionary> ifAbsent: <aBlockClosure>
Dictionary>>at: <'copyimage11'> ifAbsent: <aBlockClosure>
BasicRunProgram(BasicProgram)>>bmpNamed: <'copyimage11'>
LibGraphDevice(BasicGraphicDevice)>>drawBmp: <anOrderedCollection>
LibGraphDevice(BasicGraphicDevice)>>writeItem: <'drawbmp copyimage11 ...'>
LibGraphPane>>writeItem: <'drawbmp copyimage11 ...'>
LibGraphPane(SubPane)>>writeItemCr: <'drawbmp copyimage11 ...'>
[] in PrintCommand>>deviceCr:handle:
BlockClosure>>value: <aBasicRunProgram> value: <''> value: <aBasicStringContext>
[] in BasicRunProgram>>begin
ExceptionHandler>>evaluateProtectedBlock: <aBlockClosure>
[] in ExceptionHandler>>activateDuring:
ProtectedFrameMarker(BlockClosure)>>setUnwind: <aBlockClosure>
BlockClosure>>invisibleEnsure: <aBlockClosure>
ExceptionHandler>>activateDuring: <aBlockClosure>
ExceptionHandler class>>handle: <anError class> with: <aBlockClosure> during: <aBlockClosure>
BlockClosure>>on: <anError class> do: <aBlockClosure>
BasicRunProgram(BasicProgram)>>gotoAndIfStoppedBegin: <'[nxt]'>
BasicRunProgram(BasicProgram)>>handlerName: <'[nxt]'> evaluate: <aBlockClosure> callParameters: <anOrderedCollection>
BasicRunProgram>>handlerName: <'[nxt]'> evaluate: <aBlockClosure> callParameters: <anOrderedCollection>
BasicRunProgram(BasicProgram)>>submitHandlerName: <'[nxt]'> evaluate: <aBlockClosure> callParameters: <anOrderedCollection>
BasicRunProgram(BasicProgram)>>submitHandlerName: <'[nxt]'> callParameters: <anOrderedCollection>
BasicDialogBox(BasicWindow)>>click: <aLibButton>
LibButton(Button)>>click: <aLibButton>

Code: Select all

          dim a$(10000,100)     'rows & columns reading input file
     open "TeacherTainer.txt" for input as #1
     for i = 1 to 10000
           if eof( #1) <> 0 then
           y = i    'total line #f
           i = 10000
           goto [skip]
     end if
     line input  #1, a$
     for j = 1 to 100
     a$(i, j) = word$(a$,j)
      close #1


          sc1 = 1'screen colors
          q   = 1 'printing student eval heading


     graphicbox, 5,  5, DisplayWidth, DisplayHeight
     button #w.cont, "Go to the The TeacherTainer! Have fun!", [contin],  UL, 350, 520
     open "Copyright © The TeacherTainer 2013 by" for dialog_fs as #w "vertscrollbar on 0  "; DisplayHeight "horizscrollbar on 0 ";  DisplayWidth
     #w    "trapclose quit"
     gosub [color]
     loadbmp "copyimage", "logo.bmp"
     print,"drawbmp copyimage 30 60" "flush"

    close #w


[start] 'initializing values
     gosub [close]
     f = 0: g = 0: v = 0
     a$( r1, 11) = " "
     graphicbox, 5,  5, DisplayWidth, DisplayHeight

     button #w.close, "Close",        [end],  UL,  940, 5

     button #w.b1, "1. Days   ",          [dys1], UL, 50, 40,   160, 35
     button #w.b2, " 2. Dishes  ",       [dsh1], UL, 50, 80,   160, 35
     button #w.b3, " 3. Months",        [mths], UL, 50, 120, 160, 35
     button #w.b4, " 4. Park    ",         [prk1],  UL, 50, 160, 160, 35
     button #w.b5, " 5. Places  ",       [plc1],   UL, 50, 200, 160, 35
     button #w.b6, " 6. Rooms ",       [rms1],  UL, 50, 240, 160, 35
     button #w.b7, " 7. Shapes ",      [shp1],  UL, 50, 280, 160, 35
     button #w.b8, "  8. 5 senses",    [fsn1],  UL, 50, 320, 160, 35
     button #w.b9, " 9. Clothes ",      [clh1],   UL, 50, 360, 160, 35
     button #w.b10, "10. Family   ",   [fmy1],  UL, 50, 400, 160, 35
     button #w.b11, "11. Jobs      ",   [jbs1], UL, 50, 440, 160, 35
     button #w.b12, "12. Patterns ",  [pttn],   UL, 50, 480, 160, 35
     button #w.b13, "13. Weather",   [wth1],  UL, 50, 520, 160, 35

     button #w.b14, "14. Colors     1",   [clr1],  UL,  230,  40, 180, 35
     button #w.b142, "2",                       [clr2], UL,  410,  40,  30, 35
     button #w.b15, "15. Feelings  1",   [flg1], UL,  230,  80, 180, 35
     button #w.b152, "2",                       [flg2], UL,  410,  80, 30, 35
     button #w.b16, "16. Rides      1",   [rds1],  UL,  230,  120, 180, 35
     button #w.b162, "2",                      [rds2],  UL,  410,  120,  30, 35
     button #w.b17, "17. Sports     1",  [spt1],  UL,  230,  160, 180, 35
     button #w.b172, "2",                      [spt2],  UL,  410,  160,  30, 35
     button #w.b18, "18. ABC's      1",  [abc1],  UL,  230,  200, 180, 35
     button #w.b182, "2",                      [abc2], UL,  410,  200,  30, 35
     button #w.b183, "3",                      [abc3],  UL,  440,  200,  30, 35
     button #w.b19, "19. Body       1",  [bdy1],  UL,  230,  240, 180, 35
     button #w.b192, "2",                     [bdy2], UL,  410,  240,  30, 35
     button #w.b193, "3",                     [bdy3],  UL,  440,  240,  30, 35
     button #w.b20, "20. Body       4",  [bdy4],  UL,  230,  280, 180, 35
     button #w.b202, "5",                      [bdy5], UL,  410,  280,  30, 35
     button #w.b203, "6",                     [bdy6],  UL,  440,  280,  30, 35

     button #w.b21, "21. Actions    1", [atn1], UL, 230,  320, 180, 35
     button #w.b212, "2",                      [atn2], UL,  410,  320,  30, 35
     button #w.b213, "3",                      [atn3], UL,  440,  320,  30, 35
     button #w.b214, "4",                      [atn4], UL,  470,  320,  30, 35

     button #w.b22,"22. Animals   1", [aml1],  UL,  230,  360, 180, 35
     button #w.b222, "2",                    [aml2],  UL,  410,  360,  30, 35
     button #w.b223, "3",                    [aml3],  UL,  440,  360,  30, 35
     button #w.b224, "4",                    [aml4],  UL,  470,  360,  30, 35

     button #w.b23,"23. Animals   5", [aml5], UL,  230,  400,  180, 35
     button #w.b236, "6",                    [aml6],     UL,  410,  400,  30, 35
     button #w.b237, "7",                    [aml7],     UL,  440,  400,  30, 35
     button #w.b238, "8",                    [aml8],     UL,  470,  400,  30, 35

     button #w.b24, "24. Food       1",[fd1],  UL, 230,  440, 180, 35
     button #w.b242, "2",                   [fd2], UL,  410,  440,  30, 35
     button #w.b243, "3",                   [fd3], UL,  440,  440,  30, 35
     button #w.b244, "4",                   [fd4],  UL,  470,  440,  30, 35

     button #w.b25, "25. Numbers 1",  [nbr1],  UL, 230,  480, 180, 35
     button #w.b252, "2",                      [nbr2], UL,  410,  480,  30, 35
     button #w.b253, "3",                      [nbr3],  UL, 440,  480,  30, 35
     button #w.b254, "4",                      [nbr4], UL,   470,  480,  30, 35

     button #w.b26, "26. School    1", [css1],  UL, 230,  520, 180, 35
     button #w.b262, "2",                     [css2], UL,  410,  520,  30, 35
     button #w.b263, "3",                     [css3],  UL, 440,  520,  30, 35
     button #w.b264, "4",                     [css4], UL,   470,  520,  30, 35

     button #w.b27, "27. Ant Syn     ",  [ansy], UL,  520, 40,  180, 35
     button #w.b28, "28. Boggle      ",  [bog],  UL,  520, 80, 180, 35
     button #w.b29, "29. Ordinal #s ",  [ordn], UL,  520, 120, 180, 35
     button #w.b30, "30. Tongue T  ", [ton],  UL,  520, 160, 180, 35

     button #w.b31, "31. True False ",   [trfa], UL,  520, 200, 180, 35
     button #w.b32, "32. Unscram.  ",    [scr], UL,  520, 240, 180, 35
     button #w.b33, "33. Odd word ",      [odd], UL,  520, 280, 180, 35
     button #w.b34, "34. Metric       ",    [metric], UL,  520, 320, 180, 35
     button #w.b35, "35. Opinions   ",     [opnn], UL,  520, 360, 180, 35
     button #w.b36, "36. Rhymes    ", [rhy], UL,  520, 400, 180, 35

     button #w.b37, "37. Bus. Voc   ",    [bv], UL,  520, 440,  180, 35
     button #w.b38, "38. Accounting", [mgacct], UL,  520, 480, 180, 35
     button #w.b39, "39. IELTS       ",     [ielts], UL,  520, 520, 180, 35

     button #w.b40, "40. Make a sent.  ",    [form], UL,  720, 40, 225, 35
     button #w.b41, "41. Dates Times  ",    [tmdt], UL,  720, 80, 225, 35
     button #w.b42, "42. Scattergories ",    [sca], UL,  720, 120, 225, 35
     button #w.b43, "43. What is the ? ",  [questi],  UL,  720, 160, 225, 35
     button #w.b44, "44. Correct sent.  ",  [cor],  UL,  720, 200, 225, 35
     button #w.b45, "45. Fill in blank    ",  [comp],  UL,  720, 240, 225, 35

     button #w.b46, "46. Proper tense ", [tens], UL,  720, 280, 225, 35

     button #w.b47, "47. Daily ?s      B",[quesb], UL,  720,  320, 225, 35
     button #w.b47i, " I ",                        [quesi], UL,  945,  320,  30, 35
     button #w.b47a, " A ",                     [quesa], UL,  975,  320,  30, 35

     button #w.b48, "48. Vocabulary  B",  [vocab], UL,  720,  360, 225, 35
     button #w.b48i, " I ",                           [vocai], UL,  945,  360,  30, 35
     button #w.b48a, " A ",                        [vocaa], UL,  975,  360,  30, 35

     button #w.b49 "49. Long   A",   [lnga],  UL,  720, 400, 165, 35
     button #w.b49e," E ",                 [lnge],  UL,  885, 400,  30, 35
     button #w.b49i," I ",                   [lngi],  UL,      915, 400,  30, 35
     button #w.b49o," O ",                [lngo],  UL,  945, 400,  30, 35
     button #w.b49u," U ",                [lngu],  UL,  975, 400,  30, 35

     button #w.b50, "50. Short   a",  [shta],  UL,  720, 440, 165, 35
     button #w.b50e," e ",                 [shte],  UL,  885, 440,  30, 35
     button #w.b50i," i ",                   [shti],  UL,  915, 440,  30, 35
     button #w.b50o," o ",                [shto],  UL,  945, 440,  30, 35
     button #w.b50u," u ",                [shtu],  UL,  975, 440, 30, 35

     button #w.b51,  "51. Pics:    1",   [pict1], UL,  720, 480, 165, 35
     button #w.b512, " 2 ",                  [pict2], UL,  885, 480,  30, 35
     button #w.b513, " 3 ",                  [pict3], UL,  915, 480,  30, 35
     button #w.b514, " 4 ",                  [pict4], UL,  945, 480,  30, 35
     button #w.b515, " 5 ",                  [pict5], UL,  975, 480,  30, 35

     button #w.b52, "52. Pics:    6",  [pict6],  UL,  720, 520, 165, 35
     button #w.b522," 7 ",                 [pict7],  UL,  885, 520,  30, 35
     button #w.b523," 8 ",                 [pict8],  UL,  915, 520,  30, 35
     button #w.b524," 9 ",                 [pict9],  UL,  945, 520,  30, 35
     button #w.b525," 10 ",               [pict10],  UL,  975, 520,  30, 35

     open "Copyright © The TeacherTainer by" for dialog_fs as #w "vertscrollbar on 0  "; DisplayHeight "horizscrollbar on 0 ";  DisplayWidth
     opcl = 1 ' #w is open
     #w    "trapclose quit" "font impact  15 "

     print     #w.b1 , "!font tahoma 20": #w.b2  ,  "!font tahoma 20": #w.b3,   "!font tahoma 20"
     print     #w.b4,  "!font tahoma 20": #w.b5,    "!font tahoma 20": #w.b6,   "!font tahoma 20"
     print     #w.b7,  "!font tahoma 20": #w.b8,    "!font tahoma 20": #w.b9,   "!font tahoma 20"
     print     #w.b10, "!font tahoma 20": #w.b11, "!font tahoma 20": #w.b12, "!font tahoma 20": #w.b13, "!font tahoma 20"

     print     #w.b14, "!font tahoma 20": #w.b142, "!font tahoma 20": #w.b15, "!font tahoma 20": #w.b152, "!font tahoma 15"
     print     #w.b16, "!font tahoma 20": #w.b162, "!font tahoma 20": #w.b17, "!font tahoma 20": #w.b172, "!font tahoma 20": #w.b20, "!font tahoma 20"

     print     #w.b18, "!font tahoma 20": #w.b182, "!font tahoma 20": #w.b183, "!font tahoma 20"
     print     #w.b19, "!font tahoma 20": #w.b192, "!font tahoma 20": #w.b193, "!font tahoma 20"
     print     #w.b20, "!font tahoma 20": #w.b202, "!font tahoma 20": #w.b203, "!font tahoma 20"

     print     #w.b21, "!font tahoma 20": #w.b212, "!font tahoma 20": #w.b213, "!font tahoma 20": #w.b214, "!font tahoma 20"
     print     #w.b22, "!font tahoma 20": #w.b222, "!font tahoma 20": #w.b223, "!font tahoma 20": #w.b224, "!font tahoma 20"
     print     #w.b23, "!font tahoma 20": #w.b236, "!font tahoma 20": #w.b237, "!font tahoma 20": #w.b238, "!font tahoma 20"
     print     #w.b24, "!font tahoma 20": #w.b242, "!font tahoma 20": #w.b243, "!font tahoma 20": #w.b244, "!font tahoma 20"
     print     #w.b25, "!font tahoma 20": #w.b252, "!font tahoma 20": #w.b253, "!font tahoma 20": #w.b254, "!font tahoma 20"
     print     #w.b26, "!font tahoma 20": #w.b262, "!font tahoma 20": #w.b263, "!font tahoma 20": #w.b264, "!font tahoma 20"

     print     #w.b27 , "!font tahoma 20": #w.b28  ,  "!font tahoma 20": #w.b29,   "!font tahoma 20"
     print     #w.b30,  "!font tahoma 20": #w.b31,    "!font tahoma 20": #w.b32,   "!font tahoma 20"
     print     #w.b33,  "!font tahoma 20": #w.b34,    "!font tahoma 20": #w.b35,   "!font tahoma 20"
     print     #w.b36 , "!font tahoma 20": #w.b37  ,  "!font tahoma 20": #w.b38,   "!font tahoma 20": #w.b39,  "!font tahoma 20"

     print     #w.b40,  "!font tahoma 20": #w.b41,    "!font tahoma 20": #w.b42,   "!font tahoma 20"
     print     #w.b43,  "!font tahoma 20": #w.b44,    "!font tahoma 20": #w.b45,   "!font tahoma 20"
     print     #w.b46,  "!font tahoma 20"

     print     #w.b47,   "!font tahoma 20": #w.b47i,  "!font tahoma 20": #w.b47a,    "!font tahoma 20"
     print     #w.b48,   "!font tahoma 20": #w.b48i,  "!font tahoma 20": #w.b48a,    "!font tahoma 20"

     print     #w.b49,  "!font tahoma 20": #w.b49e,    "!font tahoma 20": #w.b49i,   "!font tahoma 20": #w.b49o,  "!font tahoma 20": #w.b49u,    "!font tahoma 20"
     print     #w.b50,  "!font tahoma 20": #w.b50e,    "!font tahoma 20": #w.b50i,   "!font tahoma 20": #w.b50o,  "!font tahoma 20": #w.b50u,    "!font tahoma 20"
     print     #w.b51,  "!font tahoma 20": #w.b512,    "!font tahoma 20": #w.b513,   "!font tahoma 20": #w.b514,  "!font tahoma 20": #w.b515,    "!font tahoma 20"
     print     #w.b52,  "!font tahoma 20": #w.b522,    "!font tahoma 20": #w.b523,   "!font tahoma 20": #w.b524,  "!font tahoma 20": #w.b525,    "!font tahoma 18"

     gosub [color] "goto 44 20 ; down": "\|-------------------------------Beginner-----------------------------|----------------------------Intermediate----------------------------|": "up" "flush"


[ansy]'Antonyms & Synonyms
     act = 1: e$ = "Antonyms (opposites), Synonyms (same)": goto [oc]
[ordn]'Ordinal numbers
     act = 2: e$ = "Ordinal numbers": goto [oc]
[ton]'tongue twisters
     act = 3: e$ = "Tongue Twisters": goto [oc]
[trfa]'true or false
     act = 4: e$ = "True or False": goto [oc]
     act = 5: e$ = "Unscramble the sentence": goto [oc]
[odd]'odd one out
     act = 6: e$ = "Odd one out: which word does not belong?": goto [oc]
[metric]' Math
    act = 7: e$ = "Metric": goto [oc]
[opnn]' opinions
    act = 8: e$ = "What is opinion?": goto [oc]
    act = 9: e$ = "Rhyming": goto [oc]
[bv]'business vocabulary
     act = 10: e$ = "Business Vocabulary": goto [oc]
     act = 11: e$ = "Accounting": goto [oc]
     act = 12: e$ = "IELTS oral exam": goto [oc]
[form]'form a sentence
    act = 13: e$ = "Make a sentence": goto [oc]
[tmdt]'Time and dates
     act = 14: e$ = "Time and dates": goto [oc]
     act = 15: e$ = "Scattergories: Name 3": goto [oc]
[questi]'what is the question
    act = 16: e$ = "What is the question": goto [oc]
[cor]'correct the sentence
     act = 17: e$ = "Correct the sentence": goto [oc]
[comp]'Fill in the blank
    act = 18: e$ = "Fill in the blank": goto [oc]
    act = 19: e$ = "Use the proper tense.": goto [oc]
[vocab]'beginners voc
     act = 20: e$ = "Beginner Vocabulary": goto [oc]
[vocai]'intermediate voc
     act = 21: e$ = "Basic Vocabulary": goto [oc]
[vocaa]' advanced voc
     act = 22: e$ = "Advance Vocabulary": goto [oc]
[quesb]'beginners voc
     act = 23: e$ = "Beginner Daily Questions": goto [oc]
[quesi]'intermediate voc
     act = 24: e$ = "Intermediate Daily Questions": goto [oc]
[quesa]' advanced voc
     act = 25: e$ = "Advanced Daily Questions": goto [oc]
[lnga]'Long A sound
     act = 26: e$ = "Long A sound": goto [oc]
[lnge]'Long E
     act = 27: e$ = "Long E sound": goto [oc]
[lngi]'Long I sound
     act = 28: e$ = "Long I sound": goto [oc]
[lngo]'Long O sound
     act = 29: e$ = "Long O sound": goto [oc]
[lngu]'Long u
     act = 30: e$ = "Long U sound": goto [oc]
[shta]'Short a sound
     act = 31: e$ = "Short a sound": goto [oc]
[shte]'Short e sound
     act = 32: e$ = "Short e sound": goto [oc]
[shti]'Short i sound
     act = 33: e$ = "Short i sound": goto [oc]
[shto]'Short o sound
     act = 34: e$ = "Short o sound": goto [oc]
[shtu]'Short u sound
     act = 35: e$ = "Short u sound": goto [oc]
[pttn] 'Patterns
    act = 36: e$ = "90. What is next?": goto [oc]

     act = 99: e$ = "Boggle: How many words can you make?": goto [oc]
     act = 101: e$ = "101. Days"   : tpics = 10: path$="1bmp": goto [oc]
     act = 102: e$ = "102. Dishes": tpics = 14: path$="2bmp": goto [oc]
     act = 103: e$ = "103. Months": tpics = 12: path$="3bmp": goto [oc]
     act = 104: e$ = "104. Park":    tpics = 14: path$="4bmp": goto [oc]
     act = 105: e$ = "105. Places": tpics = 16: path$="5bmp":  goto [oc]
     act = 106: e$ = "106. Rooms": tpics = 12: path$="6bmp": goto [oc]
     act = 107: e$ = "107. Shapes": tpics = 16: path$="7bmp": goto [oc]
     act = 108: e$ = "108. 5 Senses": tpics = 10: path$="8bmp": goto [oc]
     act = 109: e$ = "109. Clothes": tpics = 16: path$="9bmp": goto [oc]
     act = 110: e$ = "110. Family": tpics = 16: path$="10bmp": goto [oc]
     act = 111: e$ = "111. Jobs": tpics = 14: path$="11bmp": goto [oc]
     act = 112: e$ = "112. Weather": tpics = 16: path$="12bmp": goto [oc]
     act = 113: e$ = "113. ABCs a - j":  tpics = 10: path$="13bmp": goto [oc]
     act = 114: e$ = "114. ABCs k - t": tpics = 10: path$="14bmp":  goto [oc]
     act =115: e$ = "115. ABCs u - z": tpics = 10: path$="15bmp":  goto [oc]
     act = 116: e$ = "116. Body 1": tpics = 10: path$="16bmp": goto [oc]
     act = 117: e$ = "117. Body 2": tpics = 10: path$="17bmp": goto [oc]
     act = 118: e$ = "118. Body 3": tpics = 10: path$="18bmp":  goto [oc]
     act = 119: e$ = "119. Body 4":  tpics = 10: path$="19bmp":  goto [oc]
     act = 120: e$ = "120. Body 5": tpics = 10: path$="20bmp": goto [oc]
     act = 121: e$ = "121. Body 6":  tpics = 10: path$="21bmp": goto [oc]
     act = 122: e$ = "122. Actions 1":  tpics = 10: path$="22bmp":  goto [oc]
     act = 123: e$ = "123. Actions 2":  tpics = 10: path$="23bmp":  goto [oc]
     act = 124: e$ = "124. Actions 3": tpics = 10: path$="24bmp":  goto [oc]
     act = 125: e$ = "125. Actions 4": tpics = 10: path$="25bmp":  goto [oc]
     act = 126: e$ = "126. Animals 1": tpics = 10: path$="26bmp": goto [oc]
     act = 127: e$ = "127. Animals 2": tpics = 10: path$="27bmp": goto [oc]
     act = 128: e$ = "128. Animals 3": tpics = 10: path$="28bmp":  goto [oc]
     act = 129: e$ = "129. Animals 4": tpics = 10: path$="29bmp":  goto [oc]
     act = 130: e$ = "130. Animals 5": tpics = 10: path$="30bmp": goto [oc]
     act = 131: e$ = "131. Animals 6":  tpics = 10: path$="31bmp": goto [oc]
     act = 132: e$ = "132. Animals 7": tpics = 10: path$="32bmp": goto [oc]
     act = 133: e$ = "133. Animals 8": tpics = 10: path$="33bmp":  goto [oc]
     act = 134: e$ = "134. Food 1":  tpics = 10: path$="34bmp":  goto [oc]
     act = 135: e$ = "135. Food 2":  tpics = 10: path$="35bmp":  goto [oc]
     act = 136: e$ = "136. Food 3":  tpics = 10: path$="36bmp":  goto [oc]
     act = 137: e$ = "137. Food 4":  tpics = 10: path$="37bmp":  goto [oc]
     act = 138: e$ = "138. Numbers 1 - 5": tpics = 10: path$="38bmp": goto [oc]
     act = 139: e$ = "139. Numbers 6 - 10": tpics = 10: path$="39bmp":  goto [oc]
     act = 140: e$ = "140. Numbers 11 - 15": tpics = 10: path$="40bmp":  goto [oc]
     act = 141: e$ = "141. Numbers 16 - 20":  tpics = 10: path$="41bmp":  goto [oc]
     act = 142: e$ = "142. School 1": tpics = 14: path$="42bmp":  goto [oc]
     act = 143: e$ = "143. School 2": tpics = 14: path$="43bmp":  goto [oc]
     act = 144: e$ = "144. School 3":  tpics = 14: path$="44bmp":  goto [oc]
     act = 145: e$ = "145. School 4":  tpics = 14: path$="45bmp":  goto [oc]
     act = 147: e$ = "Pictionary 1" : tpics = 30:  path$="47bmp": goto [oc]
     act = 148: e$ = "Pictionary 2": tpics = 30:  path$="48bmp": goto [oc]
     act = 149: e$ = "Pictionary 3": tpics = 30: path$="49bmp": goto [oc]
     act = 150: e$ = "Pictionary 4": tpics = 30:  path$="50bmp": goto [oc]
     act = 151: e$ = "Pictionary 5": tpics = 30:  path$="51bmp": goto [oc]
     act = 152: e$ = "Pictionary 6": tpics = 30:  path$="52bmp": goto [oc]
     act = 153: e$ = "Pictionary 7": tpics = 30:  path$="53bmp": goto [oc]
     act = 154: e$ = "Pictionary 8": tpics = 30: path$="54bmp": goto [oc]
     act = 155: e$ = "Pictionary 9": tpics = 30: path$="55bmp": goto [oc]
    act = 156: e$ = "Pictionary 10": tpics = 30: path$="56bmp": goto [oc]
     act = 157: e$ = "157. Feelings 1": tpics = 10: path$="57bmp": goto [oc]
     act = 158: e$ = "158. Feelings 2": tpics = 10: path$="58bmp": goto [oc]
     act = 159: e$ = "159. Colors 1": tpics = 12: path$="59bmp": goto [oc]
     act = 160: e$ = "160. Colors 2": tpics = 12: path$="60bmp":  goto [oc]
     act = 161: e$ = "161. Rides 1": tpics = 10: path$="61bmp": goto [oc]
     act = 162: e$ = "162. Rides 2": tpics = 10: path$="62bmp":  goto [oc]
     act = 163: e$ = "163. Sports 1": tpics = 12: path$="63bmp": goto [oc]
     act = 164: e$ = "164. Sports 2": tpics = 12: path$="64bmp": goto [oc]


     close #w


[oc]'closing and opening
     pic = 1
     print, "cls"
     gosub [close]
     graphicbox, 5,  5, DisplayWidth, DisplayHeight

     button, "Menu", [start], UL,  20, 540
     button,   " Next ",  [nxt], UL, 525, 540
     button #w.close, "Close",    [end], UL, 940, 540
     if act > 99 then button #w.back, " Back ",  [gbck],  UL,   200, 540

     open "Copyright © The TeacherTainer by" for dialog_fs as #w "vertscrollbar on 0  " ; DisplayHeight "horizscrollbar on 0 "; DisplayWidth
     opcl = 1 ' #w is open
     #w       "trapclose quit" "font calibrini  25 italic"
     gosub [color]


     if act = 99 then "font calibrini  65 bold": goto [bogg]
     if act > 99 then gosub [loadpics]: goto [noprint]

[read] 'subrounine to read data for activities 1 & 2
        print, "cls"
        For a  = 1 to 10000  'rows for output.txt file
              if a$(a,1)  =  "" then a  =  10000: goto [ntrow]
              if VAL(a$(a,1)) <> act  then [ntrow]
              if f  =  0 then f  =  a 'lowest # in random # range
              g  =  a                    'highest # in random # range


[random] 'random # generator
     r = int((g - f + 1) * rnd(1) + f)
     if a$(r,3) <> "s" then goto [nxtnm]'next word if random word has already been used
     k = f

    if a$(k,3) = "s" then
        k = k +1
     if k = g then [finished]
        goto [nxts]
     end if
     r = k

     v =  v + 1 'Line printing # "goto 10 100 ; down": "\  "; v; ". ";a$(r,2);" ";a$(r,3);" ";a$(r,4);" ";a$(r,5);" ";a$(r,6);" ";a$(r,7);" ";a$(r,8): "up"
    If a$(r,9) = "" then [noprint] "goto 10 150 ; down": "\  ";"    ";a$(r,9);" ";a$(r,10);" ";a$(r,11);" ";a$(r,12);" ";a$(r,13);" ";a$(r,14);" ";a$(r,15): "up"
    If a$(r,16) = "" then [noprint] "goto 10 200 ; down": "\  ";"    ";a$(r,16);" ";a$(r,17);" ";a$(r,18);" ";a$(r,19);" ";a$(r,20);" ";a$(r,21);" ";a$(r,22): "up"
    If a$(r,23) = "" then [noprint] "goto 10 250 ; down": "\  ";"    ";a$(r,23);" ";a$(r,24);" ";a$(r,25);" ";a$(r,26);" ";a$(r,27);" ";a$(r,28);" ";a$(r,29): "up"
    If a$(r,30) = "" then [noprint] "goto 10 300 ; down": "\  ";"    ";a$(r,30);" ";a$(r,31);" ";a$(r,32);" ";a$(r,33);" ";a$(r,34);" ";a$(r,35);" ";a$(r,36): "up"
    If a$(r,37) = "" then [noprint] "goto 10 350 ; down": "\  ";"    ";a$(r,37);" ";a$(r,38);" ";a$(r,39);" ";a$(r,40);" ";a$(r,41);" ";a$(r,42);" ";a$(r,43): "up"
    If a$(r,44) = "" then [noprint] "goto 10 400 ; down": "\  ";"    ";a$(r,44);" ";a$(r,45);" ";a$(r,46);" ";a$(r,47);" ";a$(r,48);" ";a$(r,49);" ";a$(r,50): "up"
    If a$(r,51) = "" then [noprint] "goto 10 450 ; down": "\  ";"    ";a$(r,51);" ";a$(r,52);" ";a$(r,53);" ";a$(r,54);" ";a$(r,55);" ";a$(r,56);" ";a$(r,57): "up"
    If a$(r,58) = "" then [noprint] "goto 10 500 ; down": "\  ";"    ";a$(r,58);" ";a$(r,59);" ";a$(r,60);" ";a$(r,61);" ";a$(r,62);" ";a$(r,63);" ";a$(r,64): "up"
    If a$(r,65) = "" then [noprint] "goto 10 550 ; down": "\  ";"    ";a$(r,65);" ";a$(r,66);" ";a$(r,67);" ";a$(r,68);" ";a$(r,69);" ";a$(r,70);" ";a$(r,71): "up"

[noprint] "goto 50 50 ; down": "\"; e$: "up"
    if act > 99  then gosub [pic]: "flush": goto [nostu] "flush"
    a$(r, 3) = "s"


           open "student.txt" for append as #1'print student file
           if q > 1 then [nohead]
           q = q + 1
           print #1, "Student Evaluation"
           print #1,   date$()
           print #1, "Teacher: Ken Washington, QQ: 2235900375, email:"
           print #1, "Student:"
           print #1, ""
           print #1, "1 - poor       2 - ok       3 - good      4 - great"
           print #1, ""
           print #1, "- Comprehension: Understanding English"
           print #1, "- Ability to make sentences"
           print #1, "- Flow: Does the student speak smoothly?"
           print #1, "- Pronunciation: Does the student speak loud and clear?"
           print #1, "- Range of topics"
           print #1, "- Vocabulary"
           print #1, ""
           print #1, "Homework: Make 10 sentence for 10 words you don't know."
           print #1, ""
           print #1, "Below is Today's Lessons"
           print #1, ""

         print #1,a$(r,2);" ";a$(r,3);" ";a$(r,4);" ";a$(r,5);" ";a$(r,6);" ";a$(r,7);" ";a$(r,8);" ";a$(r,9);" ";a$(r,10);" ";a$(r,11)
         If a$(r,12) = "" then [nmlines]
         print #1,a$(r,12);" ";a$(r,13);" ";a$(r,14);" ";a$(r,15);" ";a$(r,16);" ";a$(r,17);" ";a$(r,18);" ";a$(r,19);" ";a$(r,20);" ";a$(r,21)
         If a$(r,22) = "" then [nmlines]
         print #1,a$(r,22);" ";a$(r,23);" ";a$(r,24);" ";a$(r,25);" ";a$(r,26);" ";a$(r,27);" ";a$(r,28);" ";a$(r,29);" ";a$(r,30);" ";a$(r,31)
         If a$(r,32) = "" then [nmlines]
         print #1,a$(r,32);" ";a$(r,33);" ";a$(r,34);" ";a$(r,35);" ";a$(r,36);" ";a$(r,37);" ";a$(r,38);" ";a$(r,39);" ";a$(r,40);" ";a$(r,41)
         If a$(r,42) = "" then [nmlines]
         print #1,a$(r,42);" ";a$(r,43);" ";a$(r,44);" ";a$(r,45);" ";a$(r,46);" ";a$(r,47);" ";a$(r,48);" ";a$(r,49);" ";a$(r,50);" ";a$(r,51)
         If a$(r,52) = "" then [nmlines]
         print #1,a$(r,52);" ";a$(r,53);" ";a$(r,54);" ";a$(r,55);" ";a$(r,56);" ";a$(r,57);" ";a$(r,58);" ";a$(r,59);" ";a$(r,60);" ";a$(r,61)
         If a$(r,62) = "" then [nmlines]
         print #1,a$(r,62);" ";a$(r,63);" ";a$(r,64);" ";a$(r,65);" ";a$(r,66);" ";a$(r,67);" ";a$(r,68);" ";a$(r,69);" ";a$(r,70);" ";a$(r,71)
         close #1


       gosub [unload]
       print, "cls" 'this stops the pictures from printing on top of each other.

       if act > 99  then [pctr]
       if act = 99  then [bogg]
       if act < 99 then [random]


      gosub [close]
      graphicbox, 5,  5, DisplayWidth, DisplayHeight
      button #w.menu1,   " Menu1 ",[start1], UL,  260, 520
      open "Copyright © The Teacher EnterTainer by BASIC ENGLISH" for dialog_fs as #w "vertscrollbar on 0  "; DisplayHeight "horizscrollbar on 0 ";  DisplayWidth
      opcl = 1 ' #w is open
      #w    "trapclose quit" "font bookman_old_style  18 italic" "goto 200 440 ; down": "\There are no more left in this category.": "up" "flush"


    sub quit h$ 'have something to do with trapclose
    close #h$
    end sub

     if pic = 1 then loadbmp "copyimage1",      path$;"\1.bmp": return
     if pic = 2 then loadbmp "copyimage2",      path$;"\2.bmp": return
     if pic = 3 then loadbmp "copyimage3",      path$;"\3.bmp": return
     if pic = 4 then loadbmp "copyimage4",      path$;"\4.bmp": return
     if pic = 5 then loadbmp "copyimage5",      path$;"\5.bmp": return
     if pic = 6 then loadbmp "copyimage6",      path$;"\6.bmp": return
     if pic = 7 then loadbmp "copyimage7",      path$;"\7.bmp": return
     if pic = 8 then loadbmp "copyimage8",      path$;"\8.bmp": return
     if pic = 9 then loadbmp "copyimage9",      path$;"\9.bmp": return
     if pic = 10 then loadbmp "copyimage10",  path$;"\10.bmp": return
     if pic = 11 then loadbmp "copyimage11",  path$;"\11.bmp": return
     if pic = 12 then loadbmp "copyimage12",  path$;"\12.bmp": return
     if pic = 13 then loadbmp "copyimage13",  path$;"\13.bmp": return
     if pic = 14 then loadbmp "copyimage14",  path$;"\14.bmp": return
     if pic = 15 then loadbmp "copyimage15",  path$;"\15.bmp": return
     if pic = 16 then loadbmp "copyimage16",  path$;"\16.bmp": return
     if pic = 17 then loadbmp "copyimage17",  path$;"\17.bmp": return
     if pic = 18 then loadbmp "copyimage18",  path$;"\18.bmp": return
     if pic = 19 then loadbmp "copyimage19",  path$;"\19.bmp": return
     if pic = 20 then loadbmp "copyimage20",  path$;"\20.bmp": return
     if pic = 21 then loadbmp "copyimage21",  path$;"\21.bmp": return
     if pic = 22 then loadbmp "copyimage22",  path$;"\22.bmp": return
     if pic = 23 then loadbmp "copyimage23",  path$;"\23.bmp": return
     if pic = 24 then loadbmp "copyimage24",  path$;"\24.bmp": return
     if pic = 25 then loadbmp "copyimage25",  path$;"\25.bmp": return
     if pic = 26 then loadbmp "copyimage26",  path$;"\26.bmp": return
     if pic = 27 then loadbmp "copyimage27",  path$;"\27.bmp": return
     if pic = 28 then loadbmp "copyimage28",  path$;"\28.bmp": return
     if pic = 29 then loadbmp "copyimage29",  path$;"\29.bmp": return
     if pic = 30 then loadbmp "copyimage30",  path$;"\30.bmp": return


[pic]'print pictures

       if pic = 31 then pic = 1

       if pic = 1 then print,    "drawbmp copyimage1 30 60":pic = 2: return
       if pic = 2 then print,    "drawbmp copyimage2 30 60":pic = 3: return
       if pic = 3 then print,    "drawbmp copyimage3 30 60":pic = 4: return
       if pic = 4 then print,    "drawbmp copyimage4 30 60":pic = 5: return
       if pic = 5 then print,    "drawbmp copyimage5 30 60":pic = 6: return
       if pic = 6 then print,    "drawbmp copyimage6 30 60":pic = 7: return
       if pic = 7 then print,    "drawbmp copyimage7 30 60":pic = 8: return
       if pic = 8 then print,    "drawbmp copyimage8 30 60":pic = 9: return
       if pic = 9 then print,   "drawbmp copyimage9 30 60":pic = 10: return
       if pic = 10 then print, "drawbmp copyimage10 30 60":pic = 11: if tpics = 10 and pic = 11 then pic = 1: return
       if pic = 11 then print, "drawbmp copyimage11 30 60":pic = 12: if tpics = 11 and pic = 12 then pic = 1: return
       if pic = 12 then print, "drawbmp copyimage12 30 60":pic = 13: if tpics = 12 and pic = 13 then pic = 1: return
       if pic = 13 then print, "drawbmp copyimage13 30 60":pic = 14: return
       if pic = 14 then print, "drawbmp copyimage14 30 60":pic = 15: if tpics = 14 and pic = 15 then pic = 1: return
       if pic = 15 then print, "drawbmp copyimage15 30 60":pic = 16: if tpics = 15 and pic = 16 then pic = 1: return
       if pic = 16 then print, "drawbmp copyimage16 30 60":pic = 17: if tpics = 16 and pic = 17 then pic = 1: return
       if pic = 17 then print, "drawbmp copyimage17 30 60":pic = 18: return
       if pic = 18 then print, "drawbmp copyimage18 30 60":pic = 19: return
       if pic = 19 then print, "drawbmp copyimage19 30 60":pic = 20: return
       if pic = 20 then print, "drawbmp copyimage20 30 60":pic = 21: if tpics = 20 and pic = 21 then pic = 1: return
       if pic = 21 then print, "drawbmp copyimage21 30 60":pic = 22: return
       if pic = 22 then print, "drawbmp copyimage22 30 60":pic = 23: return
       if pic = 23 then print, "drawbmp copyimage23 30 60":pic = 24: return
       if pic = 24 then print, "drawbmp copyimage24 30 60":pic = 25: return
       if pic = 25 then print, "drawbmp copyimage25 30 60":pic = 26: return
       if pic = 26 then print, "drawbmp copyimage26 30 60":pic = 27: return
       if pic = 27 then print, "drawbmp copyimage27 30 60":pic = 28: return
       if pic = 28 then print, "drawbmp copyimage28 30 60":pic = 29: return
       if pic = 29 then print, "drawbmp copyimage29 30 60":pic = 30: return
       if pic = 30 then print, "drawbmp copyimage30 30 60":pic = 31: if tpics = 30 and pic = 31 then pic = 1: return


[close] ' #w  1 = open  2 = closed
     If opcl = 1 then close #w: opcl = 2


    if sc1 = 1 then "color blue; backcolor white; fill white "         : sc1 = 2: goto [sc1dne]
    if sc1 = 2 then "color darkblue; backcolor yellow; fill yellow": sc1 = 3: goto [sc1dne]
    if sc1 = 3 then "color red; backcolor cyan; fill  cyan"            : sc1 = 4: goto [sc1dne]
    if sc1 = 4 then "color red; backcolor green; fill green "         : sc1 = 1: goto [sc1dne]


       if pic = 1 then pic = tpics - 1: goto [pctr]
       if pic = 2 then  pic = tpics: goto [pctr]
       pic = pic - 2: goto [pctr]


     gosub [color]
     DIM g$(25)
     for w = 1 to 25
          gosub [ranum]
          g$(w) = br$
     goto [pb]

[ranum] 'r = the random #
'   DIM br$(25)
   lo = 1  'lowest  # in random # range
   hi = 26 'highest # in random # range
   r = int((hi - lo + 1) * rnd(1) + lo)

     if r =  1 then br$ = "a"
     if r =  2 then br$ = "b"
     if r =  3 then br$ = "c"
     if r =  4 then br$ = "d"
     if r =  5 then br$ = "e"
     if r =  6 then br$ = "f"
     if r =  7 then br$ = "g"
     if r =  8 then br$ = "h"
     if r =  9 then br$ = "i"
     if r =  10 then br$ = "j"
     if r =  11 then br$ = "k"
     if r =  12 then br$ = "l"
     if r =  13 then br$ = "m"
     if r =  14 then br$ = "n"
     if r =  15 then br$ = "o"
     if r =  16 then br$ = "p"
     if r =  17 then br$ = "q"
     if r =  18 then br$ = "r"
     if r =  19 then br$ = "s"
     if r =  20 then br$ = "t"
     if r =  21 then br$ = "u"
     if r =  22 then br$ = "v"
     if r =  23 then br$ = "w"
     if r =  24 then br$ = "x"
     if r =  25 then br$ = "y"
     if r =  26 then br$ = "z"

[pb] "goto 5     100 ; down": "\  ";g$(1): "up" "goto 200 100 ; down": "\  ";g$(2): "up" "goto 400 100 ; down": "\  ";g$(3): "up" "goto 600 100 ; down": "\  ";g$(4): "up" "goto 800 100 ; down": "\  ";g$(5): "up" "goto 5     200 ; down": "\  ";g$(6): "up" "goto 200 200 ; down": "\  ";g$(7): "up" "goto 400 200 ; down": "\  ";g$(8): "up" "goto 600 200 ; down": "\  ";g$(9): "up" "goto 800 200 ; down": "\  ";g$(10): "up" "goto 5     300 ; down": "\  ";g$(11): "up" "goto 200 300 ; down": "\  ";g$(12): "up" "goto 400 300 ; down": "\  ";g$(13): "up" "goto 600 300 ; down": "\  ";g$(14): "up" "goto 800 300 ; down": "\  ";g$(15): "up" "goto 5     400 ; down": "\  ";g$(16): "up" "goto 200 400 ; down": "\  ";g$(17): "up" "goto 400 400 ; down": "\  ";g$(18): "up" "goto 600 400 ; down": "\  ";g$(19): "up" "goto 800 400 ; down": "\  ";g$(10): "up" "goto 5     500 ; down": "\  ";g$(21): "up" "goto 200 500 ; down": "\  ";g$(22): "up" "goto 400 500 ; down": "\  ";g$(23): "up" "goto 600 500 ; down": "\  ";g$(24): "up" "goto 800 500 ; down": "\  ";g$(25): "up"



        if pic =  2 then unloadbmp ("copyimage1"): return
        if pic =  3 then unloadbmp ("copyimage2") : return
        if pic =  4 then unloadbmp ("copyimage3") : return
        if pic =  5 then unloadbmp ("copyimage4") : return
        if pic =  6 then unloadbmp ("copyimage5") : return
        if pic =  7 then unloadbmp ("copyimage6") : return
        if pic =  8 then unloadbmp ("copyimage7") : return
        if pic =  9 then unloadbmp ("copyimage8") : return
        if pic =  10 then unloadbmp ("copyimage9") : return
        if pic =  11 then unloadbmp ("copyimage10") : return
        if pic =  12 then unloadbmp ("copyimage11") : return
        if pic =  13 then unloadbmp ("copyimage12") : return
        if pic =  14 then unloadbmp ("copyimage13") : return
        if pic =  15 then unloadbmp ("copyimage14") : return
        if pic =  16 then unloadbmp ("copyimage15") : return
        if pic =  17 then unloadbmp ("copyimage16") : return
        if pic =  18 then unloadbmp ("copyimage17") : return
        if pic =  19 then unloadbmp ("copyimage18") : return
        if pic =  20 then unloadbmp ("copyimage19") : return
        if pic =  21 then unloadbmp ("copyimage20") : return
        if pic =  22 then unloadbmp ("copyimage21") : return
        if pic =  23 then unloadbmp ("copyimage22") : return
        if pic =  24 then unloadbmp ("copyimage23") : return
        if pic =  25 then unloadbmp ("copyimage24") : return
        if pic =  26 then unloadbmp ("copyimage25") : return
        if pic =  27 then unloadbmp ("copyimage26") : return
        if pic =  28 then unloadbmp ("copyimage27") : return
        if pic =  29 then unloadbmp ("copyimage28") : return
        if pic =  30 then unloadbmp ("copyimage29") : return
        if pic =  31 then unloadbmp ("copyimage30")

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